The Opera House Players Present
Love Rides the Rails
by Morland Cary
Spring 1987
Directed by Jerry Abbott
Mrs. Hopewell (as
sweet as she is simple)
...........................Jennifer Abbott
Prudence Hopewell
(as fair as she is naive)
.............................Sharon Farrell
Simon Darkway (as
wicked as he is wild)
..............................Bruce Newbern
Truman Pendennis
(as brave as he is bewildered)
.................................Dave Miehe
Harold Stanfast (as
bewildered as he is bewildered)
....................................Lee Lenth
Dirk Sneath (not
too smart, but sneaky)
....................................Troy Thein
Carlotta Cortez (as
sinful as she is beautiful)
.....................................Julie Grau
Fifi (the fiery
French maid Ooooolala)
...................................Karen Newbern
Fred Wheelwright
(too honest for his own good)
....................................Chuck Lammers
Danielle (the
friendly bartenderess)
......................................Cecil Carnes
Railroad Workers
(sorted pasts, but honest men)
......................................John Swanson
......................................Dan Messerli
......................................Jerry Abbott
Stage Manager.................................Darcy
Set Design.....................................Dave Miehe
Lights............................John Carnes & Jay Moser
Piano.....................................Jim Klosterboer
Costumes........Barb Chandler, Verna Lenth, Karen Newbern