Opera House Players is a 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization

The Opera House players, as of May 11, 2001 has obtained 501(c)(3) status. This means that all donations made to the OHP are tax deductible on your income taxes. It is important to note that in order for a dontation to be tax deductible, it must meet certain guidlines. You can not receive value in return for your donation. If you do, then the amount that is deductible is only that portion that is received above the amount of value that you received. All donations above $250 must have supporting documentation from the OHP regarding the donation. We will happily provide that documentation.

Tickets, because of the value received, are not deductible items, except under certain special circumstances where the amount paid for the tickets is far above the value received. If that is the case, we will provide documentation regarding the amount of the donation that can be claimed.

The Opera House Players are required by law to provide public access to the original application and all supporting documents. Those documents are available on this web site. Click below to view the original application, supporting documents, and letter of certification of 501(c)3 status.

Thank you for your support of the arts in N.E. Iowa and S.W. Wisconsin. Please consider a tax deductible donation to the Opera House Players for our continuing operation. We are an all volunteer organization. There are no salaried employees. Your support makes local amateur theater possible.

You can contact us via the web at ohp@icsbbs.com or via standard mail at either address listed below.

Opera House Players
PO Box 421
Elkader, IA 52043

Opera House Players
PO Box 503
McGregor, IA 52157

OHP 501(c)3 Application and Documents


OHP 2024 990-EZ and supporting schedules

OHP 2023 990-EZ and supporting schedules

OHP 2022 990-EZ and supporting schedules

OHP 2021 990-EZ and supporting schedules

OHP 2020 990-EZ and supporting schedules

OHP 2019 990-EZ and supporting schedules

OHP 2018 990-EZ and supporting schedules

OHP 2017 990-EZ and supporting schedules

OHP 2016 990-EZ and supporting schedules

OHP 2015 990-EZ and supporting schedules

OHP 2014 990-EZ and supporting schedules

OHP 2013 990-EZ and supporting schedules

OHP 2012 990-EZ and supporting schedules

OHP 2011 990-EZ and supporting schedules

OHP 2010 990-EZ and supporting schedules

OHP 2009 990-EZ and supporting schedules

OHP 2008 990-EZ and supporting schedules

OHP 2007 990-EZ and supporting schedules

OHP 2006 990-EZ and supporting schedules

OHP 2005 990-EZ and supporting schedules

OHP 2004 990-EZ and supporting schedules

OHP 2003 990-EZ and supporting schedules

OHP 2002 990-EZ and supporting schedules

OHP 2001 990-EZ and supporting schedules